Eagle Rare – Single Barrel

Eagle Rare – Single Barrel

Aged 10 Years
Proof: 90 (45% Alc/Vol)
North Carolina Price: $28.95
Distilled, Aged, and Bottled by: Buffalo Trace Distillery, Frankfort, KY

Buffalo Trace’s Eagle Rare started off with a pleasant caramel and citrus aroma and a hint of orange filling the senses. Always starting with a pour served neat, my first thoughts were of a strong spiciness and a bit of a peppery start. After a few swirls about the pallet, a welcome softening and smoothness was revealed. On the rocks, hints of orange, citrus, and clove flavors warmed the pallet with a smooth buttery feel after the initial peppery/spiciness start. The finish was good, but still a hint of spiciness. Complex flavors of vanilla and caramel were noted during the smooth buttery phase midway through the tasting. The longer I sipped this bourbon on ice; it only became smoother start to finish. Now in this third review, I am finding this to be the case with the bourbons sampled thus far.

This Buffalo Trace Eagle Rare Single Barrel bourbon was enjoyable. For overall value I would rank it a respectable 4.4 out of 5 and a 4.2 for taste.

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